Wednesday, 23 June 2010

hello sunshine

yesterday the sun came out - woohooo! it was a pretty lazy day all in all! i had a job interview in the morning which went pretty well so that was good! the guy pretty much wanted to work out if he can get me a better paid job - they are looking for hosts (the people that smile and look happy and cheery, say hello, "have a nice nice" etc at the front of the restaurant) but because i have quite a lot of experience in serving he wants to try and get me a service job as they get a lot better pay - can get $30/hr tips! AMAZING! so yea, he said he would speak to the supervisor i met with the day before and see what they can come up with. so waiting to hear back from them! im dying to just get something sorted now, would be a nice to just know what im doing etc but until then im gonna enjoy the sun while i can and wait to hear from other places!
after the interview i headed back home, had a bit of a chat with the family and then went to the beach. book out, sun out - sorted. then the tummy started rumbling to headed home for some food and went for a bit of a wander down around the lost lagoon - its a big lake in the middle of the park close by me.

it was really gorgeous, so many animals running about and just really peaceful and full of nature - and lots of runners!

i passed by the boat club and got rather jealous watching some scullers out, water was perfect and sun was shining and my eyes were green with envy! but it looked like fun all the same. headed back home and met up with grant and kerry. got some food and then went to watch the sun set at english bay - the beach 5 mins from my house. it had kind of gone down already but the atmosphere was really nice! lots of people about, lots of people eating icecream (we joined in on that one with a tasty marble slab) and lots of midgies but it was fun all around!

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