Friday, 18 June 2010

day 3

today I woke up at 5am - jet lag is slowly killing me! its really not cool! im trying so hard to stay awake at night and get myself into a routine but for some reaosn it doesnt seem to be happening! Its half 8 at night now and im half asleep writing this! But then again ive had a pretty busy day! i had my orientation meeting this morning which was pretty good, lots of info on banks, cell phone cards, applying for jobs etc. This took about an hour and a half and after i decided to do my Serving it Right exam. This is needed to be able to work in a bar/restaurant environment so hopefully it will be a $35 well spent! I passed with flying colours 29/30 - though it was an open book exam so I cant take all the credit! I met some fellow irish people in the swap centre, but the crazy thing was when i got into the lift to go up to the 7th floor i was in along with 2 other studenty looking people - in a slightly desperate state that im in to get to make some friends here i just asked if they were going to the swap cantre - yes! I then noticed a bit of a scottish accent so asked were abouts they were from - dundee!!! After a bit more conversation we worked out that the guys brother is actually in the year below me in interior design!! crazyyy small world eh?!!It was really good to hear a familiar accent and to have a bit of a natter with some people!
The sun came out today so after id done this I went for a walk around the waterfront and around canada place! This is a pretty famous landmark here, (my flatmate, Jackee is a profession jazz singer and is preforming here at the end of the month so thats pretty exciting!) anways i went for a walk around there and there was a hugeeee ass cruise ship docked! It was crazy to see this so close - they are actually massive! so got a bit snap happy there! I then went for an adventure into the gastown area, this is a pretty touristy area with lots of restaurants (yes, i took down lots of names of potential job places) and bought some postcards - send me your address and you might be lucky enough to get one!
I then decided I wanted to get a sim card for my phone so that I can put the number onto my cv, or resumee as it is called over here! I got the skytrain across to another part of vancouver in search of the shop and found it pretty easily. The guy was really helpful and sorted me out with a simcard etc and sent me off to activate it online. Not so successful!! it appears that my phone is possibly locked and so i think im going to have to take another adventure tomorrow to try and get this sorted! its a bit of a pain not having a no. as it proves pretty difficult to get to meet up with people etc.
So yea, tonight i got back about 6ish, got some food and have been taking it pretty easy since! I wish i would be able to stay awake later at night so I can actually get out and do something at night, but im sure you know me well enough to know that I need my sleep and usually go to bed pretty early! so fingers crossed this will sort itself out soon!
I think the plan for tomorrow is to go to the dragon boat racing and hopefully (fingers crossed) meet up with some other bunacers tomorrow! so it should be a fun one! il keep you posted! xxx

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from all at home - MDM&A
    - Just had barbie and all now out in sun room watching the sun going down. Great picks - did you take the city scene yourself or wot ?
    - Mal likes the cruise ship one ! - how did the dragon boat race go - anything like the one we went to in Coleraine all those yeras ago ? - Ali n me were again working on the rana boat this last couple of days ( good progress being made ) and also got some more painting on 'Maggie' at John's. - Was talking to John n he is still crippled with back and legs - disc probe giving him trapped nerves = lots of discomfort. Jo at c,van with Julie and Katie at mo. Jill is at hen day ??? whatever that is ?- Did u get my text about the Sheraton Hotel ?
    Please let us know if u r getting all this - lol from all of us here - ( already planning Canada for next yeras hols !!! )
    bye for now - home
